Secret to Success✨

Drawn by Siddhi Pophale

Successful people look for the good in every situation. They know that there is a potential for good in every situation. No matter how many reversals and setbacks they experience, they expect to get something good out of every thing that happens to them. They believe that every setback is a part of a great plan, that is pushing them towards achieving the great success that is inevitable or unavoidable for them.

Many great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Henry Moseley, Ernest Rutherford, etc. failed as they were learning. They were success failures. They believed in themselves and therefore they marched towards victory, stand with many followers behind!

We should look upon every problem as an experience of learning. Within every difficulty or obstacle, there is a seed of an equal advantage or benefit. Fight one more round; and when your feet are tired, you have to shuffle back to the center of ring, fight one more round. Always keep on trying. 

Those who succeed are called 'lucky.' Their luck is nothing, but hard work and recognization of that secret power and applying it. Great achievement are born out of hardship and struggle which seems to have an obstacle.

#Success #SuccessDrawing #PathToSuccess #ThemeDrawing #Hardwork #Passion #Vision #Dedication #Dreams #Confidence #Ambition #Determination #Focus #Goals #Winner


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